miércoles, 25 de abril de 2007

Subverting The Shire and Other Anarchist Thoughts

I'm a big sci-fi and fantasy fan.
But with a taste. Don't try to make me buy any of the fandom stuff, but you'll find for sure in me a good public for intelligent (at least, I hope it sounds intelligent for others too) discussion on the genres.
On that vein, I found two funny and intelligent articles by Michael Moorcock discussing some issues on both genres.
I don't share all the points he made, but he sure made some good ones.
These are the links:
Starship Stormtroopers
Epic Pooh

Also, there is online a seemly interesting and huge essay on Ursula K. Le Guin's works:
Coyote's Song: The Teaching Stories of Ursula K. Le Guin by Richard D. Erlich.
I'm slowly reading through it. I have no opinion on it yet, other than it seems to cover everything Le Guin wrote.

1 comentario:

  1. A esa hora de la noche d eun domingo me dió pereza hacer el esfuerzo par leer en inglés, pero igual lancé una ojeada, aquí estoy! Tu comentarista internacional siempre a puestos! besos, Dei
